Quality Assurance & Control

Our company was founded on providing meticulous quality control. In fact, we’ve built QA/QC into the framework of all our processes, because quality isn’t something we check for after the fact, it’s what we strive for all along the way.
Cost Comparisons
When frequent change orders necessitate QA/QC review, we will take the burden from you and examine each for quality as well as cost efficiency. When needed, we will obtain second opinion pricing options so that you can make informed decisions.
Match Specs to Submittals
It happens all the time. The specifications don’t match the submittals. That spells problems for you down the road. We provide meticulous oversight of all the specs and ensure that the submittals precisely correspond to them, so you aren’t stuck during installation.
Installation Checks
Just because it’s in and fits, doesn’t mean it’s right. And sometimes it takes more than just swapping out a bad part. Sometimes you need a truly out-of-the-box solution. Not only can we ensure that everything has been installed per specification, per plan, but we can find those unexpected fixes. And our engineers all have Corps of Engineer QA/QC certifications, so you can be assured that everything we do follows these exacting standards.

Change Order Review
Are you sure the change orders are required as stated? Is there a better way to do it? Perhaps there is an option that will get you to the same place with less time and money invested. Our review process will save you headaches, time, and money. Everyone on our team is cross-trained, so we can review change orders from a multi-discipline perspective and find more creative solutions. Trust us to get you the most bang for your buck when it comes to change orders.
Cost Overruns
Nobody wants to tell the boss, “We’re over budget.” When you hire Burgess Services, you’ll have a lot fewer of those uncomfortable phone calls. Our QA/QC process controls cost overruns by making quality control part of the entire process from start to finish. We don’t just hire designers who sit behind a desk; we have multi-disciplinary engineers who are in the field making the decisions that keep costs in line.
Limit Your Liability
With so many moving parts, it’s easy for the small details to fall through the cracks. Unfortunately, one of those lapses can be the thing that brings a lawsuit to your doorstep. Limit your liability through Burgess QA/QC checks. Our exacting, insightful process will head off problems before they become liabilities.
Job Completions
When you’re waiting for that last QA/QC sign off, you need detailed and actionable reports that will expedite the process and get your build approved. We have “QA/QC’d” a wide variety of buildings from hotels to courthouses to data centers and know how to bring a project to final approval successfully–while staying as close to time and budget plans as possible. And your job will be seen through by the same team who starts it, so you’ll have continuity of relationships.
To learn more about the kind of quality control and quality assurance we provide, download this white paper. Or just call us to discuss your project.