CEO appointed to Colorado Workforce Development Council
Burgess Services CEO, Denise Burgess, was recently appointed to the Colorado Workforce Development Council (CWDC) by Governor Jared Polis. She is excited to expand her work and policy insight with Colorado’s workforce in mind. Learn more about the council here: https://cwdc.colorado.gov/
Check out latest news from CWDC and VIEW THE EXECUTIVE ORDER HERE
The Colorado Workforce Development Council (CWDC) is a Governor-appointed, public-private partnership with the purpose to advise, oversee, and integrate the work of the Colorado talent development network.
The CWDC was formed under the federal Workforce Investment Act of 1998 and is responsible for the continuous improvement of the workforce system, oversight of Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) funds, and ensuring a statewide strategic vision created from the bottom up through Council members and local partners. The CWDC acts on behalf of the Governor and the Colorado legislature on policy matters related to programs and activities funded by WIOA.
Additionally, under state statute and executive order, the CWDC is charged with aligning the efforts of economic development, education, workforce development, government and business stakeholders at the local, regional and state levels. We convene partners, leverage resources, and work to remove communication and regulatory barriers in order to help businesses create jobs, retain jobs, and access a highly competitive workforce.